Starting Pre-School
Starting Pre-School can be quite a daunting experience for young children. Some take to it like a duck to water, whilst others need help and time to get settled in. We want your child to look forward, and enjoy coming to Pre-School so we follow a new starters system. This system gradually introduces your child to the Pre-School environment so they start their education feeling happy and settled.
The new starters system is as follows:
- A few weeks before their start date, the Manager or your child’s Key Worker will make contact to book in some settling in sessions. You will be invited to attend for the first 30 minute session with your child to adjust them to their new environment, meet staff and get to know their Key Worker. This will then be followed by a further two settling in sessions before your child’s official start date.
- Once your child is settled in the number of weekly sessions they attend can be increased (space permitting).